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submission guidelines

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  • We consider submissions from any student or graduate of the school of art, design and fashion at Solent University.


  • If you are not a student or graduate, we may be able to include your work in a piece for our features section.


  • A minimum of three images are required submission and a maximum of fifteen.

  • anonstyle reserves the right to add minor edits to work submitted.


  • Please ensure to provide any titles for your submission and credit team where appropriate.

  • Work submitted to anonstyle must not have been featured in another publication.


  • anonstyle is interested in publishing writing features, editorial, illustration, sketchbook design and moving image.  

  • If accepted, please feel free to send behind the scenes imagery and videos as anonstyle will be happy to share them across social media platforms.


  • anonstyle accepts media in a variety of forms, for example imagery, film, GIF’s. 

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contact us

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submission process

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Send imagery and relevant information to


Include a few sentences providing a description about the work.


anonstyle will respond to all submissions 


If accepted, anonstyle will require the hi-res imagery to include in the issue and will provide further details of the next steps.






Instagram: @anonstylemagazine


Facebook: @anonstylemagazine

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